AATISMO seeks to fuse art and technology, the primordial and the future, and wild and scientific thinking to explore the fundamental value of things through activities that cross disciplines such as architecture, design, and art.

Exploring Primitive Ideas
古代のものやヴァナキュラーなものなど、原初の姿の中に潜む根源的価値を「プリミティブイデア」と呼んでいる。私たちはその片鱗を追い求めながら、建築の設計やプロダクトのデザインなどのものづくりを行っている。 現代では様々な物事が複雑に細分化されていると感じるが、それに対してプリミティブな状態とは、物事が細分化される前の未分化で多義的な状態である。現代の技術や素材、歴史・文化などを統合的な視点で扱うことで、過去に埋まっている未来への種、つまりプリミティブイデアを探し、育てていくことを命題とし、活動している。
I am drawn to ancient architecture. It’s not just the diverse cultures, thoughts, and designs that differ from the modern ones that captivate me, but also the fact that these structures were meticulously planned to endure for centuries, if not millennia. The awe and admiration stem from their continuous preservation and restoration, their unwavering purpose throughout history, all of which has been passed down to the present. I’m also intrigued by ancient tools. Their ingenuity, driven by necessity and passion in times when modern materials and processing techniques were nonexistent, reveals the prototypes of functionality and form.

The fusion of art and technology
私たちのチーム名AATISMO(アアティズモ)は、「Art and Technology」の頭文字AATに主義を示す-ismのイタリア語-ismoを付けた造語になります。Artは芸術、Technologyは技術と訳されます。現代ではある意味真逆の概念のようですが、その言葉の成り立ちをみると、Artはラテン語のArsからきており、そのArs自体はギリシア語のtechnéを古代ローマ人がラテン語に訳したものです。一方、見てわかるように、Technologyの語源はこのギリシア語のtechnéです。つまり、語源まで遡るとArtとTechnologyは同じもので、広く「技術」を表す言葉だったことがわかります。
Our team name, AATISMO (pronounced “Aa-teez-mo”), is a coined term that combines “Art and Technology” (AAT) with the Italian “-ismo” suffix, indicating an ideology. “Art” represents art, and “Technology” stands for technology. In contemporary terms, these concepts seem somewhat opposite, but when you delve into their etymology, “Art” originates from the Latin “Ars,” which itself is the translation of the Greek “techné” by the ancient Romans. On the other hand, as you can clearly see, the word “Technology” traces its roots back to the same Greek “techné.” Essentially, when we trace their origins, “Art” and “Technology” were once synonymous, both broadly referring to “technology” itself.

The fusion of the primitive and the future
When we begin to think about things, whether it’s a product and its background and usage or architecture and its purpose and the evolution of the land, we always start with researching their respective histories.
By starting from the primitive state, we believe we can create enduring value that won’t be easily consumed. However, history consists of continuous trial and error for each era. Rather than succumb to mere nostalgia, we actively incorporate modern technology and unearth the cultural values rooted in the region, connecting them to the future.

The fusion of savage and scientific thinking
“Wild thinking” is a concept introduced in 1962 by the French anthropologist Lévi-Strauss, as the title of one of his works, contrasting it with “scientific thinking.” “Scientific thinking” is characterized by its mathematical, objective, and rational approach to understanding and breaking down things. On the other hand, “wild thinking” involves assigning concrete symbols to things and developing their relationships through metaphors, associations, and bricolage, using symbols as the basis for thought.