
AATISMO explore the fundamental value of things: by seeking to integrate art and technology, the primitive and the future, and wild and scientific thinking, and through activities that cross disciplines such as architecture, design, and art.

Exploring Primitive Ideas


We call the fundamental value hidden in primitive forms, such as ancient and vernacular things, “primitive ideas. We explore these forms while designing architecture, products, and other forms of manufacturing.
The primitive state is the undifferentiated and polysemic state before things are subdivided. Our mission is to find and nurture the seeds for the future buried in the past by handling contemporary technologies, materials, history, and culture from an integrated perspective.

The fusion of art and technology

私たちのチーム名AATISMO(アアティズモ)は、「Art and Technology」の頭文字AATに主義を示すイタリア語-ismoを付けた造語になる。現代ではArtは芸術、Technologyは技術と訳され真逆の概念のようだが、語源まで遡るとArtとTechnologyは同じもので、広く「手仕事」を表す言葉だった。

Our team’s name, AATISMO, was coined by adding the Italian word “ismo,” meaning “ism,” to the initials “AAT,” which stands for “Art and Technology. In modern times, “Art” and “technology” seem to be opposite concepts, but if you go back to the etymology of the words, they are the same, and the word was widely used to describe “artificial technique.”
In the primitive age, painting wall paintings in caves, making decorated vessels, and building beautiful temples must have been practical things for them. Our major theme is to take over the spirit of humanity from the past while also incorporating modern technology, and to reunite Art and Technology, which have been divided.

The fusion of the primitive and the future


When we begin to think about things, whether it’s a product and its background and usage or architecture and its purpose and the evolution of the land, we always start with researching their respective histories.
History is made up of a series of cutting-edge trials and errors in each era. From the perspective of the past, the present is the world of the future, and the present is the first step toward the beginning of the future. By taking over the baton that people have accomplished in the past and drawing the future by incorporating modern technology, we hope to bring the spirit of people from the primitive times to the future.

The fusion of savage and scientific thinking


“Wild Thinking” is the title of a work published by French anthropologist Lévi-Strauss in 1962 and the concept presented in the work in contrast to “scientific thinking. Scientific thinking” is a way of thinking in which things are separated and decomposed for understanding, while “wild thinking” is a way of thinking in which things and their relationships are developed through metaphors, associations, and bricolage.
By consciously adopting “wild thinking,” which is latent everywhere in our daily lives even today, and by moving back and forth between “scientific thinking” and “wild thinking,” we think we can flexibly see things and leap forward in our thinking.