ANIMAL MASKSは、内部にデジタルデバイスが備えられており、仮面を被ることで象られた動物の視界を得ることができる。
ANIMAL MASKS are equipped with an internal digital device that allows the wearer to wear a mask to gain a view of the animal being represented.
There are three types of masks – giraffe, dolphin and snake – each providing the wearer with high and extensive vision, echolocation and thermal sensing abilities.

The motif of humans with animal heads is common in mythology, and masks in the shape of animals can be found in traditional rituals and festivals around the world. By imitating a form, they are seen as gaining or attempting to gain the power of the object.
However, the role is only symbolic and the abilities gained are a kind of personality ability rather than the exact power of the object. Naturally, even if a possession-like effect is expected, it does not mean that the person actually gains that power.

Animal Masks は幻想であったその能力を、デジタルデバイスの力により疑似的ではあるが被ったものに与えることができる。一方で、各仮面はそれぞれのモチーフを象徴する自然素材で構成されている。ここでは象徴と技術をブリコラージュすることで、神話的世界と現代社会の融合を目的としている。
Animal Masks can give its ability, which was an illusion, to the wearer, albeit pseudo through the power of digital devices. On the other hand, each mask is composed of natural materials that symbolise the respective motif. The aim here is to fuse the mythical world with contemporary society through a bricolage of symbolism and technology.

Lexus Design Award 2015 Prototype Winner