We designed and created an exhibition space for supplements to “Gakken no Kagaku” (Gakken’s Science magazine) at the exhibition “Our National Treasures: 150 Years in the Future” held at the Tokyo National Museum.

Post-war Japan was a time of high economic growth, when people were excited by news of space exploration, and when science was realising new things one after another and changing the way of life. For children, science was an exciting future, and the Gakken Appendix, which allowed them to experience it, inspired many children to push forward into the future and create the modern age.

そんな科学の付録を展示するにあたり、その頃に想い描いていたメタボリズムに代表される未来の都市や建築のように増殖・展開していく棚をつくり、大航海時代に世界各国の珍品を集めて陳列した博物館の祖型である「驚異の部屋(Cabinet of curiosities)」のように「科学の付録」=未来の種を展示することで、科学という言葉のどこかノスタルジックだが夢と希望に溢れた未来というイメージを、150年後の未来に向けて表現しようと考えた。
In exhibiting these scientific appendices, I wanted to create shelves that would proliferate and develop like the cities and architecture of the future represented by Metabolism that I had envisioned at that time, and to display them like the ‘Cabinet of curiosities’, the ancestral model of museums that collected and displayed curiosities from all over the world during the Age of Exploration and Discovery. The idea was to express the somewhat nostalgic but dreamy and hopeful image of science 150 years into the future by displaying the ‘appendices of science’, i.e. seeds of the future.

製作協力:Ball (藤咲潤)
Client: Gakken, Dentsu
Production: Ball (Jun Fujisaku)