コロナ禍で学校にも行けず家から出られない学生のために、神津島という東京の離島でスタディケーション(study + vacation)のためのゲストハウスを、学校の始まりと言われる円形の広場をモチーフに設計とブランディングを行った。
Designed and branded a guesthouse for studycation (study + vacation) on the remote Tokyo island of Kozushima, for students who cannot go to school or leave home due to the pandemic, using the circular square, said to be the beginning of school, as a motif.

This project is the renovation of a vacant house into a guesthouse and its branding.It proposes a new way of living for the new programme called Studycation, where students at the Corona Disaster Centre can take remote classes while relaxing on Kozushima Island with its good air quality, by using two spaces: a loft bed (study) and a square (holiday).

The buildings and alleys on Kozu Island are built on topography and are often deformed. Therefore, by inserting a square in the pure form of a circle, we have included an image of camping and gathering around a fire on a plain of learning. Unlike most guesthouses, the loft beds have individual desks under them, and a small room dedicated to online classes has been prepared so that students can participate in classes without hesitation.

As a test case, together with the islanders, they created a curtain dyed with asuyo leaves, which grow naturally on the island, using them.
The project also involved total branding, including the creation of a logo and colour design based on the motif of asureha leaves.

制作施工:studio arche(甲斐 貴大)
地域編集者:hoka books(西尾圭悟・嶋田 翔伍)
照明設計:DAISUKI LIGHT(大好真人)
写真:小野 悠介
Design: kaminagasugi (Yuka Sugiyama, Eriko Masunaga (AATISMO), Natsuko Kanzaki)
Construction: studio arche (Takahiro Kai)
Branding: AATISMO (Keita Ebizuka, Hiroki Nakamori)
Management consulting: RPI (Naoko Iwasaki)
Regional editor: hoka books (Keigo Nishio, Shogo Shimada)
Structural design: Kazuki Suzuki
Lighting design: DAISUKI LIGHT (Masato Oyoshi)
Photography: Yusuke Ono