人間は生命を感じさせる動きに敏感である、それは私たちの生死に関わるものであったからだ。Texture of Energyは風によって揺らいで発電する照明モジュール。周囲の風が持つエネルギーの移ろいによって蛍のような繊細な光を発する。
Humans are sensitive to life-like movement, because it has been a matter of life and death for us.Texture of Energy is a lighting module that generates electricity by shaking with the wind. It emits a delicate light like a firefly, depending on the shifting energy of the surrounding wind.

The lightweight wings of the origami structure catch the wind, and using the resulting shaking, the built-in piezoelectric element generates electricity, causing the LEDs to glow slowly.
By moving away from power plugs that supply uniform energy and treating the source of light – energy itself – as a material, the project explored the possibilities of experiences brought about by light.

Each module is about 2 m long and is installed on the ground and flickers in clusters at their own rhythm. The modules are lightweight so they can be installed anywhere and have no dangerous rotating blades, allowing them to coexist with urban environments and nature.
Rokko Meets Art 2019