Portable light with vessel-shaped glass made from fluorescent lamp waste, which glows quietly like the surface of water glowing in the moonlight.

この照明は、自然現象に立ち返りその魅力を構成要素として取り入れたElements of Lightという照明シリーズのひとつで水をテーマとしている。
On the evening of a full moon, the light emitted by the moon glints on the surface of the sea or lake, or water in a bowl , as if the water itself glows from within. Pieces of recycled glass from fluorescent lamps are put into a bowl where they were melted and shaped into a bowl. Given new life, the glass contains tiny bubbles trapped inside and shard remnants on the surface, giving off a soothing light like water in the moonlight.

When pieces of waste glass used for fluorescent lamps are placed in a vessel and melted in a furnace, the glass changes its shape like water in a vessel. The reborn glass traps air bubbles inside and leaves the shape of the shards on the surface, emitting a silent light like water illuminated by moonlight.

Photography: Shinya Sato
Production: YSM